Methamphetamine Addiction & Abuse

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What Is Methamphetamine Addiction?

Having a meth addiction takes its toll on your mental and physical health, affecting every aspect of your life. While the habit is destructive to your body and mind, there is growing evidence that shows the effects can improve the longer you stay in recovery.

Our nonjudgment clinical team follows an evidence-based approach to treating meth addiction and is ready to help you reclaim control of your life.

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Meth Addiction Symptoms

Meth addiction results in a number of debilitating physical and emotional side effects. While you may experience an initial feeling of euphoria and mental alertness, this progresses to twitching, jerky movements, and rapid eye movements. It reduces your appetite and causes weight loss and malnutrition. Repeated use of meth causes acne breakouts and sores to develop on your skin. It increases your body temperature to dangerously high levels. It lowers your immunity and makes you prone to infectious diseases.

The hyperactivity you experience contributes disturbed sleep or insomnia, as well as increasing agitation. Mood swings are common and it impairs your cognition. Meth abuse causes tooth decay and broken teeth as well as dry mouth.

One sign of addiction is a condition known as tweaking, which occurs at the end of a meth binge. You can no longer achieve your high from the drug, which results in irritability, paranoia, and confusion. You may become violent or hallucinate. Depression sets in, you may sleep a lot and experience cravings for it.

Defining Meth

Meth is a highly addictive stimulant that acts on your central nervous system. It is a white, bitter and odorless crystal or powder that dissolves in alcohol or water. It can be administered orally, by snorting or smoking it, and by injection.

Changes in your physical appearance

Using meth causes noticeable changes in the quality of your skin and teeth. Dilated pupils and red bloodshot eyes, as well as decaying teeth and weight loss, become apparent over a short time. Your hair might get thinner or start falling out. Drastic changes in your appearance usually indicate the severity of your meth addiction.

Drastic mood changes

You may feel as though you are on an emotional rollercoaster. Severe mood swings and violent outbursts are common. You may alternate between excitement and irritability or experience paranoia and hallucinations.

Many aspects of your life are affected

It’s difficult to isolate a meth addiction and its effects spill over to your school life, job, and personal relationships. You may experience legal problems, lose your job, and start to experience financial hardships as a consequence of meth addiction.

The Dangers of Methamphetamine Addiction

A study that compared the effects of injecting and smoking methamphetamine found that both routes of administration led to poor mental and physical health. Both groups abused meth frequently, however smokers had a slightly lower level of dependence. The group that smoked meth was found to be younger and predominantly female.

Over the long term, injecting meth leads to blood vessel damage, heart attack, and stroke. While injecting may cause less damage to your lungs, kidney and liver damage still occurs. Smoking is likely to cause more dental harm but if you smoke it, you may start injecting once you can’t achieve the same high.

Both methods of administration can reduce your motor speed and impair your verbal learning. Other studies have found that people often smoke and inject meth concurrently, which can compound the damage it does to your body and mind.

What Is the Difference between Heron Addiction and Abuse?

Abusing meth means you still have some ability to moderate your use of the substance, but you may start to develop patterns. When you develop an addiction you have a physical dependence on it and you experience unpleasant meth withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop. The withdrawal may be so debilitating that you use more meth to self-medicate, and you find yourself in a spiral you can’t control.

An addiction to meth means that using it takes priority in your life. An addiction is a chronic and relapsing medical disease, but it is treatable with the right therapeutic interventions. We can help you find your way out of this cycle.

Do You Need Help?

We can help you get better. Together, we can build up your confidence and you can regain control over your life!
Contact us now to ask about our addiction and abuse treatment programs now!

How Meth Affects Us

Each person is unique and your response to meth will depend on factors like your state of health, your weight, age and gender, the routes of administration, and whether you use other substances or alcohol. Everyone metabolizes drugs, including meth differently. Getting professional help as soon as possible can limit the damage meth does to your body and mind.

Physiological effects

Meth causes damage to your heart, including enlarging it and exacerbating underlying heart conditions. Weight loss and malnutrition are common due to a combination of loss of appetite and increased physical activity. Using meth affects your body’s ability to heal and repair itself and this can affect your skin. The sensation of skin-crawling can lead to the development of sores and abscesses that don’t heal. Complex dental problems can occur as a result of teeth grinding, dental decay, and gum disease.

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Psychological effects

Mental health disorders are a big concern with meth addiction as it causes mood disturbances that you struggle to control. Bouts of anxiety, confusion, and irritability can be compounded by insomnia. Some people will develop psychotic experiences that include hallucination, delusions, and paranoia. The longer you can stay off meth, the better your brain can heal and repair. It is possible to heal and reverse the damage when you reach out for professional intervention.

More on dual diagnosis >>

Crime-related statistics

The direct correlation between meth use and crime is understudied by criminal law scholars and the current data groups crimes committed under the influence of meth with hallucinogens. Evidence from psychologists indicates that meth-induced psychosis is linked to crime and is more likely to occur with long term use. Meth use is associated with attack behaviors and aggression.

How Does Meth Addiction Affect My Family?

It is deepy concerning when a family member behaves erratically or out of character as a result of meth abuse. Meth addiction is a family disease. Mood swings and violent outbursts can be directed at the people close to you. Family members experience personal loss when they witness addiction because it affects your physical health and mental wellbeing. It can also affect your family’s material and financial security and introduce legal troubles that affect all members.

Children who grow up in meth-addicted households feel unsafe. They are more likely to experience and witness abuse and neglect. The trauma leads to distressing emotions that can cause mental health disorders. Children are at risk of repeating the behaviors they observe. We can help you to repair broken bonds and re-establish connections with the people you care about.

Meth Overdose

A meth overdose can be fatal and the person must be helped immediately. Please call 911 if you think someone is experiencing an overdose. It is important to get help to avoid permanent damage or death. In many states, meth is the leading cause of drug-related deaths. Meth overdose deaths have been increasing steadily over the years, rising from 3627 in 2013 to 16 167 in 2019, according to the CDC.

A person overdosing may experience seizures, go into a coma or exhibit signs of violence. Overdose can be acute from taking too much or as a result of chronic use. Overdose during relapse is common nd people in recovery must be monitored strictly for their own safety.

About Our Substance Addiction Treatment Center

Our addiction treatment center is a luxury facility that can help you out of the downward spiral the drug has sent you into. We have high client success rates with the most severe meth addictions because our focus remains on your recovery throughout your treatment. We are supported by a compassionate and experienced team of professionals who follow evidence-based approaches. Every client has a personalised treatment plan that takes a holistic approach to treatment. Through a process of individual and group therapy we will help you work through the underlying issues that contribute to your addictive behaviors.

About United Recovery Project

Why Choose United Recovery CA for Methamphetamine Treatment?

When you arrive at our facility, you will be greeted by an admissions team member who will be your guide throughout the admission process. Throughout your stay, our medical and therapeutic staff members will be with you, pushing your recovery forward. If you are looking for a dedicated team of addiction professionals, many of which are in recovery themselves, then we are the place for you.

Comprehensive Assessment

Recovery in a
Luxury Environment

Aftercare &
Lifetime Support

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does Meth affect my brain?

Meth causes a rush of feel-good chemicals to be released in a temporary state of euphoria. In addition to releasing lower amounts of neurotransmitters, your brain’s ability to function normally is compromised. The damage meth does can be stopped and reversed if you stop using it and commit to long term recovery.

What is ‘meth mouth’?

You may have seen photos from awareness campaigns, trying to educate people about the effects of meth mouth. Although shocking, they are accurate depictions of what can happen with prolonged use. Meth is acidic and causes dry mouth, dental decay, crumbling teeth and gum disease.

What is the difference between injecting and smoking Meth?

Smoking and injecting meth both cause the drug to reach your brain quickly. Smoking it can cause more damage to your lungs but both routes of administration cause damage to your vital organs, including your brain and heart. Injecting meth produces a more intense and faster high.

How to help if someone is overdosing?

A meth overdose can be fatal and the person must be helped straight away in order to prevent permanent damage. Please call 911 immediately and stay calm. Try to give as much information as possible to the responder.

What are your addiction treatment options?

Ending the cycle of meth addiction typically starts with a detox. A tailored rehab program and aftercare interventions will help you to sustain long term recovery. The process isn’t easy but it is easier than staying trapped in the cycle of a meth addiction and we hope that you will reach out for our help.

Do You Need Help?

You can get better with the right support. Don’t hesitate to contact us now so that we can discuss the next steps.
