Addiction affects not only you but your loved ones. Substance use impacts every aspect of a person’s life and, if left untreated, can cause significant harm, and worse case, prove fatal. This is why we need to help our loved ones seek help as soon as we recognize the symptoms of an addiction or an unhealthy dependence on a habit. Substances, as well as behaviors, can be harmful, which is why we should not neglect any symptoms.
Seeking addiction support is vital, and our therapists at United Recovery CA are highly experienced in a wide range of treatment modalities. People who have gone through rehab themselves work within our team, so whatever you are going through – we understand. We cannot claim that we have been where you are, because we believe in personalized treatment for each individual – no one-size-fits-all when it comes to addiction therapies.
What you are experiencing is unique to you and your loved ones, but it can be put under control. We can help you with a set of tailored therapy for addictions and dependencies.
What Is Addiction Therapy?
Our professional therapeutic team aims to help our clients find their zest for life once again. We offer therapy as part of our inpatient and residential treatment services or extended treatment program. We are dedicated to providing compassionate addiction therapy in a relaxing, comfortable environment.
Therapy enables individuals to uncover the root causes of their addiction, develop positive coping mechanisms, and return balance to their body, mind, and spirit. We understand there is no one-size-fits-all treatment, and so we offer unique therapeutic programs tailored to your specific needs.
The range of addiction treatment modalities and holistic therapies may include:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Trauma therapy
- Dialectical behavior therapy
- Family therapy
- Nutrition
- Yoga
- Music therapy
- Art therapy
If you or a loved one requires detoxification from a substance they will need to complete our residential inpatient detoxification program before the initiation of a therapeutic treatment plan.
Types of Therapies Used to Treat Substance Abuse
Each client will have an initial assessment so we can fully understand their background, symptoms, medical history, and specific needs in order to create a tailor-made treatment plan. This program is unique to you and could focus on one particular treatment modality or a range of therapies that complement one another. These could be a mixture of individual or group therapy sessions both as an inpatient and as part of our outpatient offering. We provide the following therapeutic treatments:
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy used to treat substance use disorders and various co-occurring disorders such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.
CBT is a form of individual therapy that focuses on your internal world, thoughts, processes and behaviors, rather than external stimuli such as people, events or places. The emphasis on one’s personal feelings helps create a sense of autonomy over how you can choose to react to situations or emotions. This creates a shift in habitual patterns as you begin to regain control over cravings, triggers, and addictive behaviors.
The principal aim of CBT in the treatment of addiction is to learn healthy coping skills, change old habits, inspire and motivate, and learn tools to manage difficult feelings better.
More about Group Therapy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a modified form of (CBT) developed to treat people with suicidal ideation, intense emotional outbursts, and borderline personality disorder (BPD). However, it is proven to be additionally successful in treating addiction.
DBT teaches you how to live in the present moment through mindfulness techniques. You learn how to regulate emotions, cope with stress, communicate positively, build confidence, and improve relationships from this starting point.
We can incorporate DBT into both individual therapy and group therapy programs.
Our rehab therapies
Trauma Therapy
There is a clear connection between trauma and substance use disorder. Traumatic experiences such as abuse, neglect, being involved in or witnessing an accident or act of violence, experiencing a natural disaster, war, domestic violence, and assault can have long-lasting psychological and physiological effects.
Trauma sufferers may turn to drugs and alcohol to help numb the distressing symptoms of past events. At United Recovery CA, our professional trauma therapists can help you come to terms with your past traumatic experience and develop strategies to move past it.
About Trauma Therapy
Mutual Help and Wellbeing
Some therapies included in our programs focus on communicating within a group or taking care of our creative thoughts. We in United Recovery CA believe in the power of a holistic treatment. While the 12-steps will assist in controlling your recovery, some improvements come from within. This is why the following therapeutic methods play a role in a rehab program:
Group-Based Therapy
Group therapy can be a powerfully rewarding and transformative experience. We offer group therapy as a sole service or in conjunction with our range of treatment modalities.
Addiction is a lonely disease, and we find that the opportunity to connect with like-minded peers boosts confidence and inspires motivation for recovery. Our clients often suffer from low self-worth, low self-esteem, and feelings of guilt and shame. The positive sharing environment fosters friendship and loyalty and allows for self-forgiveness and acceptance of past actions.
Alternative Addiction Therapies
At United Recovery CA, we aim to heal your mind, spirit, and body. We offer a range of alternative and holistic therapies in conjunction with our cognitive and psychoanalytic therapies. The goal of holistic therapies is to help you develop a deeper understanding of yourself at all levels, improve self-esteem and self-awareness, and boost confidence. These therapies spark creativity, provide enjoyment, and act as a resource to express energy and emotion somatically.
As part of our treatment plan, we offer art therapy, nutrition therapy, music therapy, yoga, meditation, massage therapy, life skills training and many more.
Family Therapy
At United Recovery CA, we understand that addiction touches the lives of everyone who is exposed to it. Addiction is a destructive force in relationships, and we see the breakdown of communication between family members and feelings of distrust, resentment, and anger forming. The effects are far-ranging, and family members and loved ones often find themselves needing support too.
Family therapy helps heal these wounds through healthy communication, transparency, and understanding of one another.
Relapse Prevention Therapy
All the treatments offered at United Recovery CA are formulated with relapse prevention in mind. However, we provide a specialist intervention relapse prevention therapy (RPT) to assist clients in their long-term recovery. RPT is a collaborative therapeutic approach between client and therapist to identify the situations that present a relapse risk and allow for the formulation of effective counter-strategies. This skills-based, cognitive-behavioral approach incorporates both internal thoughts, feelings, or reactions with external stimuli such as places, situations, or people.
During this process, you will create a personalized coping strategy to confidently address and cope with those high-risk situations.
An essential part of this therapy is the opportunity to be included in our comprehensive aftercare and alumni program. Here you will be among like-minded sober peers who can encourage you and support you on your recovery journey. This program includes:
- Inclusion in alumni events and activities
- Access to continued counseling or therapy
- A 24-hour crisis hotline
- Crisis-intervention services
- Access to support group meetings
- Volunteer opportunities
- Local chapter meetings
- Education programs
- Events where you can intermingle with peers and new clients
Do You Need Help?
We offer initial assessment and advice via phone or contact form.
A Safe Environment for the Ideal Start of Your Addiction Recovery.
At United Recovery CA, we strive to create a safe and comfortable environment with friendly support available at all times. We create a warm, inspiring, and motivating environment to forge optimum confidence and resilience. Our mission is to ensure that when you leave United Recovery CA, you feel empowered and can fully return to your life.
How does therapy help to treat addictions?
Addiction is a complex and chronic disease that leads to compulsive and uncontrollable substance use. Several factors contribute to addiction, such as genetics, environment, personality traits, and life events.
Recovery is a journey that lasts considerably longer than the detoxification period. Cravings and triggers may last for many years and can cause significant distress and discomfort. However, it is vital not to lose hope, as addiction therapy helps you form relapse prevention strategies to safeguard your sobriety.
Addiction therapy consists of a wide range of treatments that address a pattern of drug abuse and treat substance use disorder. Our team will work with you to create a customized treatment plan which best suits your needs and enables you to live a meaningful life free from addiction.
Addiction treatment is focused on the core values of compassion, forgiveness and support, readying you for the transition back into the world. We help you to create healthy coping mechanisms and strategies to enhance the recovery process and act as a comfort for any obstacles that may lie ahead.
We understand that you have unique challenges to face and have had varying life struggles that have led you to our facility. Together we create a package that best suits your needs, including individual therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and group therapy, supported by the 12-step model.
Meet your recovery team
The recovery journey is unique and personal to everyone. Our team are highly trained professionals made up of clinicians, psychotherapists, counsellors, and nurses who set United Recovery CA apart due to their expertise and focus on personalized care. Each staff member brings their unique knowledge and experience to addiction treatment. They provide a safe environment to provide the ideal start of your addiction recovery.