Alcohol and drug disorders introduce challenges when you or someone you love experiences them. By using professional rehab services it is possible to treat dependence just like other illnesses and achieve long term abstinence.
Find out how holistic rehabilitation services can help you or a loved one in starting and maintaining a sober future.
What is Addiction Rehab (Rehabilitation)?
When we talk about addiction ‘rehab’, we mean the combination of medical and therapeutic treatments applied to resolve dependencies on illegal substances, prescription medications and alcohol. Rehab treatment is most effective when it is tailored to suit your unique lifestyle involving a medically-supervised detox, inpatient and outpatient care, as well as relapse prevention techniques.
Facts & Statistics about Addiction in Clovis
Prevalence of Substance Use Disorder, by Drug Type
- 2,7578.5%Any Substance
- 2,0886.4%Alcohol
- 1,0683.3%Ilicit Drugs
- 2060.6%Pain Medication
Drug- and Alcohol-Induced Deaths by Age Group, California, 2016
- Alcohol-Induced
- Drug-Induced
- 18 to 250.5
- 9.6
- 26 to 354.3
- 13.9
- 36 to 6424.2
- 22.9
- 65+23.7
- 9.4
Drug Use, by Selected Type and Age Group California, 2015 to 2016
- 12 to 17
- 18 to 25
- 26+
- Marijuana*13.2%
- 34.0%
- 13.5%
- Misuse of Pain Medications3.5%
- 8.0%
- 4.3%
- Cocaine0.8%
- 7.2%
- 1.8%
- Heroin0%
- 0.4%
- 0.2%
What are the treatment options available in Clovis?
An integrated approach is generally the best way to address and recover from the underlying causes of drug addiction and alcohol addiction. Identifying coping mechanisms to treat the main causes of your substance misuse is just as vital as treating the symptoms of addiction.
Private Residential Programs
A residential treatment program allows you to live at the treatment facility and receive all addiction treatment within the property. One of the main benefits is having 24/7 treatment and support.
When you leave your home and move into a rehab center, you can remove yourself from vulnerabilities to stressors that would have influenced your decision to abuse substances or alcohol. If you reside in a safe and secure environment you can protect yourself against relapse and improve the chances of finishing your rehab program. Patients who need treatment for dual diagnosis, co-occurring disorders or extreme dependencies are encouraged to enroll for an inpatient treatment program.
We know that the first year of recovery can be challenging and after a residential treatment program, you will need to stay focused in order to maintain your recovery. When you have finished your residential program you will need to become more autonomous and set new goals and challenges.
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We work together towards sobriety.
Sober Living Programs
You can develop the skills necessary to stay sober by participating in a sober living program, which will support you through the early stages of recovery. This can be done by:
- Guidance daily from a house manager
- Building parameters for good recovery behavior
- Fostering important friendships with other people who may be working through the same kinds of challenges
Outpatient Programs
Outpatient programs are easier to adjust to as you can maintain any work/life commitments and still undergo treatments, by attending the rehab center in your own time.
Outpatient programs typically provide you with:
- Education about substance misuse
- Counseling and therapy by means of group support or one-to-one sessions – The required duration of outpatient treatment is three months and it could be extended to longer than a year, this will change based on your own needs.
Detox Only Programs
The first stage of a rehab program is detoxification, which removes any traces of substances from your system and tackles your dependency on it. As your body returns to normal function without the substance in your body, you could experience withdrawal symptoms.
Withdrawal marks the start of the rehab recovery journey, and needs to be followed up by tackling the main reasons for your addiction, to avoid a repeat of the same pattern of behaviors.
Given that most substances result in withdrawal, you may undergo withdrawal symptoms and cravings for some time after your detox is complete. Rehab teaches you life-changing skills to take into your new life so that you limit the risk of relapse.
Paying for Private Treatment
If you have chosen to go ahead with private rehab, you will need to fund it yourself or start a claim via your health insurance provider. Most insurance companies will contribute to some of the costs associated with drug and alcohol rehab, such as a medically-assisted detox, rehab therapy and medication, as well as post-treatment support.
The amount of cover you are entitled to claim will depend on your provider and policy. It is recommended that you inquire about the amount you can claim before enrolling in a rehab program. To find out what you could qualify for, please click on our Verify Your Insurance page here –
If you do not claim from your policy you must pay upfront for your treatment programme. Some treatment centres allow you to negotiate a payment plan if the total cost is a barrier to you receiving treatment.
State Funded Programs
State-funded rehabilitation programs can be used by people who struggle with alcohol or substance addictions and who may not be able to afford private rehab. Through the use of funds from federal and state resources as well as Medicaid, these programs may help with treatments such as:
- Medically-assisted detox
- Addiction Rehabilitation and aftercare services.
If you do not have a private healthcare policy or you live in a low income household, you may consider applying for a state-funded rehab program. You can expect to provide:
- You live where you say you do
- Any income or earnings
- Evidence about your substance or alcohol addiction
- Living legally in the US
You can discover more about the application process here: This booklet – – contains contact details for your state agency.
The following state-funded addiction rehab programs are available in Clovis:
Central Valley Indian Health Behavioral Health Services
255 West Bullard Avenue,Suite 101 , Clovis, CA 93612
559-299-2435 Steps Recovery
2121 Herndon Avenue,Suite 102 , Clovis, CA 93611
844-244-7837 Recovery Center Satnam S Atwal MD
7361 North Sierra Vista Avenue, Fresno, CA 93720
559-298-5111 x2
Maintaining Addiction Recovery in Clovis
When you leave and complete your treatment programme, you may find it challenging. During your stay, you have been in a controlled and safe environment, supported by professionals. As you adjust to life after rehab it is very likely that you will find yourself in situations that you still need to learn to address.
In our experience, clients with intense dependencies and those who do not develop the necessary support structure find long term recovery more difficult when they leave rehab. If you don’t have aftercare support or guidance in the initial stages of recovery, relapse can occur.
The following AA/NA meetings are available in Clovis:
AA - Harvest Fellowship
Newcomer: 2121 Herndon Avenue, Clovis, CA 93611
Monday: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Meeting: Sierra Fellowship – Clovis
AA Birthday and Anniversary Meeting:
1521 Tollhouse Rd, Clovis, CA 93611
Wednesday: 7:00 PM Fellowship
In person and Men: 2165 Gettysburg Ave, Clovis, CA 93611
Saturday: 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM
Aftercare & Alumni Programs
Aftercare programs are an extension of rehab once you leave the rehab center. As many as 60% of people in recovery will relapse due to unpredictable changes they experience, taking part in aftercare can improve your chance of long-term sobriety.
When you get close to completing your treatment program, you can consider which services will benefit your long term recovery. We help you to develop an aftercare program that protects you. Individuals who complete their rehab programs can join an alumni community program like ours, which provides you the chance to engage with staff and peers.
You will enjoy access to mentorship and guidance from other members in recovery, and also take part in other events. In addition, you have the opportunity to offer reciprocal support if you choose to.
Support Groups (Fellowship Meetings)
Attending in support groups is key because social structures encourage long-term addiction recovery. You can benefit from long-term recovery support if you find local groups like Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous go to their 12-step meetings.
When you go to support groups, you will have the ability to share your own experiences in recovery and feel empowered by other members in similar walks of life. Many individuals in recovery attend local meetings to help them in their recovery journey. Support groups provide them with the necessary tools tools to stay sober, and allow them to be accountable for their own journey in recovery.
Support for Families & Children Affected by Addiction
The entire family unit is hurt negatively by addiction in the home, some more than others. Support is critical for all members of a family, not only the person struggling with the addiction.
Participating in family support groups can help you to manage the situation better, and also help you in providing greater support to those struggling with dependency. Get help and guidance for the Family with the below support groups:
- Parents of Addicted Loved Ones
- SMART Recovery Family & Friends
- NAMI Family Support Groups
- Al-Anon
- Families Anonymous
- Alateen
- Nar-Anon