Due to the difficulties that are connected with alcohol and drug disorders, many individuals do not know where to turn. You can treat dependence even though it is a disease, and long term recovery is possible through professional addiction treatment intervention strategies.
On this page we detail how an holistic rehabilitation approach can encourage you or someone you love to begin and sustain sober living.
What is Addiction Rehab (Rehabilitation)?
Addiction ‘rehab’ is a broad term that explains the psychotherapeutic and medical treatments that are used to help individuals heal their dependencies on illegal, recreational and prescription drugs. Rehab has the best chance of long term success when it is customized to the unique needs of the client and includes medically-assisted detoxification, residential or outpatient programs, and relapse management techniques such as aftercare.
Facts & Statistics about Addiction in Stanton
Prevalence of Substance Use Disorder, by Drug Type
- 2,7578.5%Any Substance
- 2,0886.4%Alcohol
- 1,0683.3%Ilicit Drugs
- 2060.6%Pain Medication
Drug- and Alcohol-Induced Deaths by Age Group, California, 2016
- Alcohol-Induced
- Drug-Induced
- 18 to 250.5
- 9.6
- 26 to 354.3
- 13.9
- 36 to 6424.2
- 22.9
- 65+23.7
- 9.4
Drug Use, by Selected Type and Age Group California, 2015 to 2016
- 12 to 17
- 18 to 25
- 26+
- Marijuana*13.2%
- 34.0%
- 13.5%
- Misuse of Pain Medications3.5%
- 8.0%
- 4.3%
- Cocaine0.8%
- 7.2%
- 1.8%
- Heroin0%
- 0.4%
- 0.2%
What are the treatment options available in Stanton?
A consolidated treatment approach provides a successful way to identify & tackle the root causes of drug or alcohol addictions. Although addiction symptoms need to be overcome, life skills must also be taught in order to focus on the causes of your dependency.
Private Residential Programs
When you reside within the center where you are receiving addiction treatment, you are in a residential treatment program. One of the key benefits is having 24-hour treatment and support. When you leave your home and move into a rehab center, you can remove yourself from vulnerabilities to stressors that may have influenced your decision to abuse substances or alcohol.
By having an environment around you that is supportive, you reduce the chance of relapse and you are far more likely to complete your addiction treatment program. Residential rehab programs are recommended for those with serious drug and alcohol dependencies, co-occurring illnesses or dual diagnosis. We know that the first few months of recovery are crucial and after a residential treatment program, you will need to stay focused so that you can maintain your recovery. On completion of your inpatient rehab program, you must transition towards greater independence as you consider your goals for your new sober life.
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Sober Living Programs
Sober living programs enable those in recovery build further control over their lives, with support and some guidance. Sober living programs feature:
- A house manager checking in on you every day
- Working on boundaries for good behavior in recovery
- Receiving guidance and companionship from other people who share
Outpatient Programs
Outpatient rehab programs provide flexibility because you can continue your job or family commitments, and visit the rehab center for treatments.
Outpatient programs provide you with:
- Education on misusing drugs
- Group therapy and individual counseling as drivers for addiction recovery – You can expect to be enrolled in an outpatient program for a minimum of three months, and may continue treatment for longer than a year if necessary.
Detox Only Programs
By going through medical detoxification you can eliminate substances from your body with safety in mind and put an end to your physical dependence. You typically experience withdrawal symptoms as a natural response to the absence of substances in your system. This starts the process of the recovery process, following which you will come to terms with and tackle the latent causes of your psychological dependence to avoid a repeat of the same cycle.
It is possible that you will develop some cravings and withdrawal symptoms for an extended period after your detox has ended. Your risk of relapse are limited as you build on the important skills required for long-term success.
Paying for Private Treatment
If you opt for private options, you can self-fund or make a claim through your healthcare policy Most health insurance providers typically cover at least some of your rehab program, which includes detox, rehab therapy, medicines that are prescribed and relapse support.
The amount of cover offered by your policy is down to your provider and the terms and conditions of your policy. It is good practice to find out about your cover prior to enrolling in a rehab program. You can visit our Verify Your Insurance page for more details on the cover that is available to you.
If you do not want cover from your insurance provider, you will be responsible for paying the cost of treatment yourself. It may be possible to opt for a payment plan if you cannot afford to pay the full amount straight away.
State Funded Programs
If you want to address your substance or alcohol addiction but due to limited resources cannot afford private rehab, you should consider a state-funded rehabilitation program. With the support provided with funds from state and federal sources as well as Medicaid, these programs may help with treatments including:
- Services for a safe detox (medically-assisted if required.
- Addiction counseling, therapy and extended support services
State-funded rehabilitation programs are intended to support people with little disposable income or those with little to no health cover. In order to enroll you will need:
- Proof that you are a US resident
- Proof of income
- Proof of address
- Medical details about your addiction
https://www.grants.gov/ provides all the info required to start the application process.
Click on this booklet to locate contact details of your state agency.
The following state-funded addiction rehab programs are available in Stanton:
Western Pacific Med Corp Western Pacific Stanton
10751 Dale Street, Stanton, CA 90680
http://westpacmed.com/Korean Community Services Inc KC Services
7281 Garden Grove Boulevard, Suite H , Garden Grove, CA 92841
Maintaining Addiction Recovery in Stanton
Leaving treatment and returning home can be hard for people in early recovery. When you were in rehab the environment was controlled and you had support from professionals. When you leave, you may encounter new challenges or triggers that test your coping skills in ways you may not have anticipated. Long term recovery is more challenging if you have a severe dependency or if you return to your new life without social support structures in place. Relapse can happen if you don’t have the appropriate aftercare or support to guide you into your new future.
The following AA/NA meetings are available in Stanton:
AA - Braseheart Mens Stag
Open and Men: 10936 Dale Avenue, Stanton, CA, 90680
Thursday: 8:00 PM
https://alcoholicsanonymous.com/AA - Roque Center Sunday Morning Speakers
Open and Speaker: 10936 Dale Avenue, Stanton, CA, 90680
Sunday: 10:00 AM
https://alcoholicsanonymous.com/AA - Womens Discussion Stanton
Open and Women: 10936 Dale Avenue, Stanton, CA, 90680
Thursday: 7:30 PM
Aftercare & Alumni Programs
Aftercare programs extend your rehab program once you return to your daily life. Up to 60% of individuals in recovery relapse due to unpredictable challenges in life, taking part in relapse prevention and after services can improve your chance of long-term recovery success. When you approach the finish line of your rehab program, counselors will work with you to identify therapies and services that will facilitate long-term recovery, and we will create aftercare packages to guide you.
Alumni programs are one benefit to completing rehab and allows you community support with ex-clients and staff. This fantastic network gives you access to our social events, as well as ongoing support and encouragement from other members in recovery. Plus, you can take the opportunity to offer reciprocal support if you decide to.
Support Groups (Fellowship Meetings)
Support groups encourage lasting recovery because they recognize the key role that social structures play in maintaining addiction recovery. With the support of groups like Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous, you will continue the principles of the 12 steps by attending near-by meetings for recovery support.
Attending support group meetings provides you with an opportunity to you to learn from other people and share your own experiences. By building friendships and committing to the 12-steps, those in recovery can feel empowered to take responsibility for themselves and protect those that love them most.
Support for Families & Children Affected by Addiction
The whole family unit is hurt negatively by a household addiction, and some to a greater extent than others. While its true that the individual who has a dependency certainly needs help and support, other members of the household also need counseling.
By a family support group, you can manage stress more effectively, and be able to provide better to your loved one recovering from addiction. Your family members may benefit from support groups like:
- Parents of Addicted Loved Ones
- SMART Recovery Family & Friends
- NAMI Family Support Groups
- Al-Anon
- Families Anonymous
- Alateen
- Nar-Anon